12 August, 2006


End Time WEALTH TRANSFER (Message)
2. How To Survive Without the Mark of the Beast
3. What Is This City Of BABYLON?
4. Coming Out of BABYLON and End Time WEALTH TRANSFER
5. Christian Economies / Sub-Economies
6. Plan & Execute The Exodus By Industries
7. Competitive Advantages of Christian Economies / Sub-Economies
8. God's Wisdom In Social Softwares & 11th-Hour Workers
9. Christian Payment Systems
10. Ownership & Creation Of Christian Payment & Banking Systems
11. Transfer Of Wealth From Hostile Secular Nations
To Christian Nations
12. Clustering Of Economies & BARTER TRADE
13. Trading Among Christian Economies In Different Currencies
14. Tribunals Of Love
15. Noah's Ark
16. ONE NEW MAN Possessing The Land
17. State / City-Wide Churches

Contact : yewlin_chen@yahoo.com

11 August, 2006

End Time WEALTH TRANSFER (Message)

I believe that this is a message for every Christian living in the End Times. WEALTH TRANSFER like the second coming of the Lord Jesus is an end time event. The time is short and we must get ready for it. Of course, GOD is the One who is to do the transfer but it is also necessary for us to believe Him and to know how to co-operate with Him.

We are going to refer to 3 Wealth Transfer incidences in the Bible and then we are going to draw 7 lessons from these prophetic types. These 7 lessons are important for us if we want to see wealth transfers for ourselves in our times. These 3 bible references are: Genesis 12:10 - 13:2; Genesis 30:29 - 31:21 and Exodus 1 - 15.

The first lesson, is that walking with GOD is not easy at all. Walking with GOD will lead us down to Egypt. Why did GOD bring Israel down to Egypt to be slaves? So that He can be glorified through them. Israel was a slave nation for 430 years. Difficult times may come. Heb 10:38 says, ….the just shall live by faith, and if we shrink or draw back GOD has no pleasure in that. And so, in order for GOD to bring us to mountain-tops, we will also have to pass through the valleys of life. GOD has to prepare us if He wants us to reign with Him (2Tim 2:12).

The second lesson is that, wealth transfer is part of a series of events that GOD will bring us through only if we continue to walk with Him. If we give up walking with GOD because of difficult times, if we quit on GOD then we may miss this event call 'Wealth Transfer'. Is it possible for us to miss, disbelieve or forget the dreams and visions that GOD has given us? Yes, it is perfectly possible. We will miss GOD if we are overcome by difficult circumstances. And we can miss GOD if we have no time for GOD or do not put Him first in our lives.

The third lesson is that, Wealth Transfer is only for those who would leave Egypt. In all the 3 prophetic types of wealth transfer accounts referred to above, we see that Wealth Transfer happened when GOD’s people came out of Egypt to go back to their Promised Land. If the nation of Israel will not follow GOD’s voice in leaving Egypt, they will still continue to be slaves to the Egyptians and there will be no Wealth Transfer for them at all.

Now, what is Egypt? Egypt is a land of slavery and idolatry. Egypt is an ancient type of modern-day Babylon. Through the false values of capitalism and industrialization, many have all become digits of production. The secular world is largely one that rejects GOD. People of this world value worldly success and pleasures above GOD and relationships. And corruption and bribery is practiced everywhere from the least to the most developed countries in the world. In Rev 18, we see that the Word of GOD describes Babylon as the secular world trading system through which all the nations of the world and their kings and merchants grow rich.

Now, we know that many Christians want GOD to prosper them while they are still in Egypt or in Babylon. But we see that GOD’s command for the end times is that we COME OUT of Babylon the Great. Rev 18:4 tells us, not to deceive ourselves that we can remain in Babylon and still be different. If we remain in Babylon and do not want to come out, we will inevitably partake of her sins and share in her plagues. Did not our Bible say that GOD will judge BABYLON and that she will go go up in smoke (Rev 18)? In fact, GOD had already begun to shake the world economic system. As things are, we can already see many cracks, weaknesses and tell-tale signs of her impending fall.

This brings us to our 4th lesson – which is, Is the Church right now, in Babylon? And if we are, how are we to come out of Babylon? I can tell you that up to now the Church of GOD is still in the Babylon and she does not know how to come out of her OTHER than just trying to be different. Right now, most Christians do not know how to come out of Babylon other than to leave a secular job or to leave a secular city or country, just by ourselves, individually as and when the individual is ready to do so. And while we must leave Babylon individually and spiritually, I believe that GOD’s Word tells us that we must come out corporately, as one people or one big family. Indeed Rev 18:4 addresses us as ‘a people’. And in all the 3 prophetic types of wealth transfer accounts that we refer to, the people of GOD all come out as a big family or as one people and with everything that they have. This was the case for Abraham; this was the case for Jacob and also for the nation of Israel.

Although in types and shadows, the lesson is unmistakably there in GOD’s Word. If we will turn to Ex 10:7-12; here, we saw that Pharaoh asked, ‘You may go and worship the Lord your GOD but who exactly will go?’ Moses said, ‘we will all go, young and old, including all our possessions’. Not one hoof was left behind. When we leave Egypt, the whole church must leave together. No one will be left behind unless they themselves choose to be left behind. The Lord lead His people as 'a flock' and not just individually. Since the Israelites left slavery in Egypt several thousand years ago, the world had not witness this testimony of GOD leading His worldwide church as 'one corporate body' (Ps 78:52).

The fifth lesson comes to me almost as a discovery and that is, if Christian communities will arise and organize ourselves by connecting Christian businesses within cities, states and nations, we are actually building the so-call Noah’s Ark. Of course, Jesus Himself is the Ark of safety for all of us but the body of Christ is the physical representation of Him on earth. This Ark is to contain 'provisions' (Gen 6:21). This Ark will also operate like a ‘refuge’ and a way of escape for the pre-believers who do not want to receive the Mark of the Beast. When we have the Alternative Christian Economies up, then we can tell the pre-believers, don’t worship the Beast, don’t receive the ‘666’ Mark but come into GOD’s kingdom and GOD’s economy.

Sixthly, forming the End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES, and Coming Out of Egypt or the Babylonian System, will be a very Major Collective Scale Spiritual Warfare for the Church of GOD. In the last days, there will be great CONTENTION between mystery Babylon, the world economic system and the Lord Jesus and His people. We find this in Rev 17:5-6, 14. This is not something that any believer would like to see happen, yet it is not for us to avoid it. Yes, in the last days, it will be the unbelieving world versus JESUS and His church. And I believe that we will be much better off standing together as One rather than apart. As uncertain, and even fearsome as this may seem, those on the other side will ultimately loose (Matt 12:30); although this does not mean that we will not suffer some casualties on our side.

Will Egypt or the World let the Bride of Christ go out of them easily? Even if they will let us go, the dark angels and evil spirits that they serve will not let us go easily. Of course the Pharaoh of this world will say, “NO, No way!” But he has no choice in this matter. GOD will give him ‘no choice’. And just as Moses led Israel out their captivity, with a mighty arm; Jesus will also lead us out with a mighty arm. In Is 2:2-3 or Mic 4:1-2, we see that, ‘In the latter days, GOD is doing something. And the something that GOD is doing is that He will raise mountain [of the house of the Lord and another version says, the mountain] where the temple stands as the highest of all mountains, towering above all the hills. I want us to know that WEALTH has everything to do with the kingdom and the power of the kingdom. Wealth will be transferred to GOD’s faithful stewards in the kingdom because the kingdom of this world and the power of the kingdom will become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus. (Other bible references Ex 11:3; Esther 10).

Es 8:1-2 “On that day King Ahasuerus gave to Queen Esther the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told what he was to her; and the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.” [RSV]

Es 10 “King Ahasuerus laid tribute on the land and on the coast lands of the sea. And all the acts of his power and might, and the full account of the high honour of Mordecai, to which the king advanced him, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia? For Mordecai the Jew was next in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brethren, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people.” [RSV]

In the final analysis, we must address one very important question. And that is, ‘Will these End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES not be just like the world’s existing Babylonian System? There is one brother who after reading my book, 'End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES', called me up and asked whether GOD will still prosper us if we go about our business carnally, while forming these End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES. And my answer is ‘Of Course Not’. And WHY Not? It is simple; …. because Israel did not enter the Promised Land straight away after crossing the Red Sea. And why did GOD not bring them in? Because they are not yet ready for it! GOD brings them through the wilderness to train them, to humble and to test them, so that He knows what is in them. And then after that, in order to enter the Land they have to cross the Jordan River. The Jordan valley is often preached as a very low and humble point in our lives. All true Christians WHO walk with GOD will make these journeys and pass by these ways. They will be call out from Egypt, be tested and humbled through the difficulties of wilderness, cross the Jordan River and receive their inheritance.

If you think you can get wealth for yourself, you are wrong about it. It does not matter who you are or what ideas you have. Wealth and riches belongs to GOD and He can sovereignly grant or take away. In fact, GOD said in Deut 8:18, that even if you enter the Land and you forget GOD and serve idols, GOD solemnly warn that we will perish like the others in the world. In fact, if you have walked with GOD for any length of time at all you will know that our GOD is not an easy GOD. GOD is good and gracious. He gives and forgives and keeps forgiving but He is not lowering His standards for anyone. And so, if you ask me, I believe that Wealth Transfer is very much for Christians who have died and rose again with Christ. They have gone through fire and they know that without GOD, they are nothing and can do nothing. They are out to prove GOD rather than themselves. These are the ones that GOD will prepare to take the kingdom of GOD by faith and by force. Jesus has done everything but you must want it enough and take it. If you will not take it, OTHERS WILL!

09 August, 2006


What is End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES? I believe that End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES is breakthrough news for Christian communities everywhere and provides answers to the questions of 1) 'How do we trade without the '666' Mark of the Beast' and 2) When & How is the prophecised Transference of Wealth going to happen'. This website contains part my book on the subject, in the hope of breaking this news to more Christians in the market place. Yes, the market place will be the greatest end-time harvest field ever but HOW?

End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES will in fact be the vehicles for end-time wealth transference aside from individual business ideas and strategies. In view of the prophecized end time trails and coming persecutions in the last days, broad social economic frameworks will be suggested for the end time church that are effectively Christian Economies or Christian communities clinging on together for end time economic survival.

Offered for consideration is the all-important proposition that 'Walking out of Babylon' is a command that need to be obeyed on a collective scale, by both Israel and the church together. We know that GOD's judgment will come upon the so-called Babylonion system and Babylon will crash or fall (Rev 18). As depicted in Israel's biblical exodus from Egypt, GOD needs to judge the gods of the land and break the system that held His people captive, in order to deliver them from it. And GOD's end time command to the church concerning the Babylonion system is as found in Rev 18:4 - "Come out of her, my people that you may not partake of her sins and her plagues". And I believe that Rev 18:4 address the church corporately as one people rather than individually. As it is right now, christians do not know how to 'walk out of Babylon'. What we see now at times are individuals leaving secular jobs or countries which are perceived to be Babylonion as and when they are individually ready to do so.

The End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES will linked-up together (if possible globally) to form an ark like the Ark of Noah which GOD used to preserve the lives of His chosen family and all the different kinds of the animals during the 40-day flood which destroyed the whole earth and the rest of mankind which did not go into the Ark (Gen 6-7). GOD can save through supernatural means but He also uses natural means. Neither should be pre-cluded, as we know it, GOD uses both ways to deliver. The Ark of GOD is a refuge and an escape route for anyone who will not worship the Anti-Christ. And when it is up, Christian communities will then be able to tell pre-believers who are in their midst to come into the Ark of GOD's economies and kingdom and not to receive the '666' Mark of the Beast.

Trading is an age-old activity of mankind. It is not new and it is not good or evil, but GOD's principles apply. In Matt 25:14-30, Jesus told the parable of His going away and entrusting to His servants, goods, talents or resources according to their abilities. When He returns, the servants will have to give an account for what they do with resources that had been entrusted to them. What we have in Zech 14 is the account of Jesus returning to earth with His raptured saints and see that it ends with the last verse - that there will not be anymore traders in GOD's kingdom. And so we see that Christians will go on trading until the very last moment in Zech 14:21 when there shall be no more trading in the new heaven and earth. Wealth can be transferred at various stages while the End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES are being formed. And IF Babylon falls while the Kingdom of GOD, in the form of the End Time Christian Economies, is left standing, all the wealth of the world will be turned to us, to the glory of GOD. But that is provided that by the time that Babylon falls, we are out of it.

You may say that the 'line' is thin. How do we know whether we are in or out of it (Babylon) while we are still trading? However, I would like to say that the line is 'clear' with GOD even if it is thin with you. A broad boundary line will present its own difficulties besides GOD does not need a thick boundary line. He knows exactly who serves Him and who serves mammon (Matt 6:24). Physically, Goshen is an area within ancient Egypt. Things like boundaries, it belongs to God. God determines boundaries, not men and He made a distinction between the Isrealites and the Egyptians as a testimony for Himself (Ex 8:22-24; Heb 4:12). Forming this new trading system based on GOD's societal laws that is not a compromise with the corruption of the present monetary and trading system, will then be the great exploits of the last day saints who know their GOD (Dan 11:32). Yes, Christian business leaders must spearhead economic and societal transformations, as God shows them 'how' in practical terms. From here, we begin our journey heavenward; and we will be caught up to meet with the Lord in mid-air. Sometimes it amazes me how Zech 14 talk about this transformation process almost as if 'seamlessly'. As we move heavenward as one people intended on one purpose, we will pull resources, deplete the kingdom of darkness, bring wreckages to wicked systems and pull heaven down us as we strain towards Him (Jesus), the prize of our upward call.

Christian Economies are also not new. Why would we have Christian nation states but not have Christian Economies? A few centuries ago, many European nations and may be USA were Christian nations eventhough they may not term themselves as such. Sadly, many of these are now secular states. But as prophecized, there will come a time when the knowledge of glory of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab 2:14). There is coming an end time harvest and nations are turning to the Lord, no matter how inconceivable this is to us now. Jesus Himself, spoke of the sheep and goat nations that will play deciding roles in His end time purposes in Matt 25:31-46.

Also globalization is not new. It is a broad basic trend that the world has been on for decades now, even centurries. At first, nations globalize and then companies and then increasing individuals tend to globalize in terms of mindsets and reach, as mankind grows in knowledge and capabilities. And I do not see globalization as being good or bad. It is a concept or a tool that can be used for good or evil purposes depending on the intents of those who apply it. All are beginning to see and realize the possibilities of the world as one connected whole. Although there are still barriers, the world should ultimately become one in many aspects, except for the great divide in values, intents and ideologies. In the not too distant future, beliefs and ideas will contest globally, for hearts and minds; and for money, power and fame. The Bible also prophcized about globalization in terms of a central monetary system and the whole world coming under the power of Anti-Christ for approximately 3-1/2 years (Rev 13). All the whole world will eventually be united under the rulership of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor 15:24-28; Eph 1:9-10). All things will be restored, for we know that the power, the kingdom and the glory belongs to our Father in Heaven.

Will God do this? Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain who build it (Ps 127:1). The right thing to do is to seek and hear from GOD yourself, if this matter is important enough to you. What is given to one must be confirmed by the larger body of Christ. All of GOD's sheep can hear His voice. This is necessary whether I claim to have been to heaven or that an angel appeared to me. In fact, these are very early days and the idea is just hot out from the oven. There are a lot more revelations to pursue and dreams to realise together concerning End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES. What I know that the Spirit of GOD says, is that, 'There are a lot more things to do for the kingdom of GOD in the marketplace'. The church must actively pursue GOD's kingdom and righteousness on earth and not just simply be a part of the whole world's economic system.

08 August, 2006

How To Survive Without The Mark Of The Beast (Chap 2)

As prophecized, Satan (or Anti-Christ) will rule the world (Rev 13:7-8; Dan 12:11-12) in the last days of the earth's history for approximately 3-1/2 years or 42 months; a period referred to in the Bible as 'a time, and times, and half a time' (Rev 12:14). One of the hallmarks of what the Anti-Christ will do during his reign, is to cause everyone to receive a 'mark' or the number '666' on their forehead or their right-hand, which is actually the name or the number of the Beast (Rev 13:15-18). This event is understood by the church to be the forming of the world's central monetary and banking authority with '666' as its prefix. Those who will not receive this 'prefix' will understandably not be able to trade since they are not part of the world's monetary and banking system.

Stern warning is given in the Bible against receiving this 'mark'. They will face the fierce end-time wrath of GOD (Rev 14:9-12); their names will not be written in the book of life (Rev 13:8-10). Therefore, be warned. Endurance is needed of believers during the last days. Whoever goes to captivity, to captivity he goes.

How then shall Christians survive during this 3-1/2 years without being able to trade? The period of Anti-Christ's rule is indeed shortened by the grace of GOD, so that the salvation of the elect will be preserved (Matt 24:22); yet even 3-1/2 years may be too long to stay alive physically if we work but cannot get paid, we cannot buy anything whether be it food or petrol, be housed or move around to fellowships to stay encouraged.

Will the church of GOD really be dependent on the charities of the unbelievers during this time? And will help be likely to be forthcoming, now that we know that end times are likely to be times of financial and economic distress having now some foretaste of it? During Hitler's time, we know that those who help the Jews had to do so at the risk of their own lives. Such were the degree of general hatred, distaste and intolerance directed at that race at that time that demanded their annihilation. Have no doubt that during the period of time that when Anti-Christ will rule the earth, the anti-Christ spirit in terms of the hatred of Jews and Christians should be in full expression. We may not find it quite imaginable yet how our days can be altered from the ones of the present moderation the church experience in most civilized states.

There is no answer. Of course, we have to be ready to face up to whatever may turn up to be the case whether there is an answer or NO. Many Christians believe that somehow GOD would supernaturally provide for us like He sent ravens to Elijah to feed him (1Kings 17:4-7) or angels will bring bread (1Kings 19:5-8) or we will supernaturally not feel hunger eventhough we may not have eaten. The Bible is full of GOD's promises of supernatural providence during times of need. Yet even so, many Christians who will not receive the '666' mark may suffer depravation, humiliation and even starvation, except for the charaties of the unbelievers. Futhermore, how then shall Christians dissuade others from worshipping the beast and receiving his mark when they are dependent on those who shall do so?

While the Lord may not shrink back from denying His people the opportunities to gain great eternal rewards by suffering for Him; I do not think that it is Him to allow unnecessary sufferings when distress and sufferings will already be common affairs in the last days. His angels will be busy helping us and indeed the Lord will be careful with each child for his preservation. The Lord is able to provide out of nothing being the Creator of all things (Is 41:17-20). However, while we rely on the Lord at all times, our faith does not prevent us from getting food and other provisions for our household and the community, if it is in fact in our ability to do so.

At the present moment, aside from supernatural providences, the church does not have much idea of how to help itself, during this time when they shall be forced to worship the Beast or have their wealth taken away and their supplies cut off. Talking to Christians, some even thought of prostituting themselves by receiving the mark of the Beast and keep other Christians alive. They thought that somehow some redeeming grace should be extended to them for doing this at the end of the age since they would have given more than just cups of cold water to those who are brothers of Christ (Matt 10:42).

So far, the best idea I have heard is that of migrating to countries with excess agricultural lands. It was suggested to buy farmlands and learn to cultivate and produce food. At least we will still have food to eat if we do not have anything else. It is possible for this project to be undertaken by a few families or even some local churches if there are enough who believe that they should prepare themselves in this way.

But escaping to rural areas to start farms will mean a transfer of wealth from Christians to the secular world instead. For example, Christians will have to leave many jobs pre-maturely as they make and execute plans to move their families out to farms. These extra-number of jobs will be left to non-believers, whether in governments, schools, hospitals, factories or other businesses. There will be many more added positions for promotions and filling. Christians will have to abundant their houses in cities and many assets like cars, furnishings will have to be left behind or sold as they cannot be brought along by vacating Christian families. There will be many Christian businesses available for taking over quite cheaply.

Christians will eventually have to start liquidating stocks and shares, as they need to turn their assets into land. Possessions of stocks and shares will become non-effective anyway as Christians will eventually not be able to sell them in the financial markets or even receive dividends. They are indeed better off being liquidated earlier than later at opportunistic times. The non-Christian are by default left to inherit all the financial rights that Christians cannot exercise because the later will not receive the mark of the Beast.

It could well be that the '666' mark of the Beast is a device of the enemy to wrangle wealth from the Christians as well as to control the whole world (Rev 13:7). Whether the church should then give up wealth and retreat away from cities is a matter to be considered but a transfer of wealth to the enemy or to the secular unbelieving world has not been prophecised.

Christians cannot hope to overcome by avoiding or escaping political persecutions in the last days. Cities will be the physical arenas for last day spiritual contests with the Evil One. Capitals and cities are gateways and major wealth, communication and control centers of nations. To abandon our cities is to abandon the world’s cities’ populace and so our nations, especially most of our developed nations. We can sacrifice our earthly lives but we should not abandon the nations.

07 August, 2006

What Is This City Of BABYLON? (Chap 3)

The Bible has described the present world economic order or system as Babylon or the City of Babylon. It is a system of trade and idolatry that all the nations of the world participate in. Among the long list of her cargos in Rev 18:12-13, are slaves or human souls. Have your souls been depleted or impoverished as a result of your participation in the world economic system? Have you sold your soul in exchange for her goods? The modern world economic system is a system of idolatry, slavery and oppression through the values of capitalism and industrialization. Men operating within the system have been systematically dehumanized whether they are reducing others to digits of a factor of production or they are so reduced, through greed and false values.

Lawlessness is coming into the world (2Thes 2:1-12). It is already now at work. We who are alive in this century had seen meltdowns in financial markets as a result of big scale integrity crisis of operations as well as in financial reporting. The stock market used to be able to predict stock values based earnings ratios but this is no longer true. Reported earnings are not reliable nor can we see even a few number of years into the future in a world plagued by lawlessness. Eventually nothing can be reliably predicted due to dishonesty. As lawlessness increase, disorder and chaos can only increase.

GOD will judge the whole world for her sins of greed and idolatry. Judgment will come almost in an instant. Babylon will fall in an hour (Rev 18:10-24). Just as we had seen stock markets crash overnight, so the world’s trading system has been prophesized to go up in smoke in an hour. In fact, the weaknesses and the signs of Babylon’s impending fall are already visible everywhere.

Money is created through the credit system on the basis of banks lending $1 for every 6 cents in capital. The insufficiency of banks’ capitalization had become all the more glaring of late as large companies fail, stock markets meltdown and economies spiral downward. The fact is that banks all over the world are thinly capitalized in proportion to the business that they are doing. It can be foreseen that failing banks are likely to become beholden to central monetary systems to keep them in business and lose autonomy. Even whole banking systems can collapse when major banks fail and cannot be shoaled up anymore.

The world economic situation is opportunistic for the relative few rich and powerful to conspire to take control of a financially failed world. When Babylon falls or the world economic system fails, she will become the habitation of devils and foul spirits of every kind (Rev 18:2). The world economic system will eventually be under the control of evil spirits namely Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet, as prophesized in the book of Revelations.

There will eventually be only one world central banking system. The Bible prophesized that the inhabitants of the earth will be forced to receive the ‘666’ mark of the beast on their hands or foreheads, otherwise they will not be able to trade? Why would people not be able to trade if they do not receive the 666 number on their hands or foreheads. It may well be that the one world central banking system will bear the prefix of 666, and everyone may eventually have to wear his own bank account no. on his hand or foreheads with the 666 prefix for the purpose of transactions. Technology is well in place to connect the world banking systems and for chips bearing the 666 mark of the Beast to be implanted in parts of the body.

06 August, 2006

Coming Out Of BABYLON And End Time WEALTH TRANSFER! (Chap 4)

The counsel of GOD’s Word in the end times is for the Church to come out of Babylon in order not to participate in her sins and thereby not share her plagues when judgment come upon her. Implying that if Israel and the Church are actually in the world Babylonian system and if they do not come out of her, it would be impossible not to participate in her sins and share her plagues.

Rev 18:4 “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” [KJV]

And while both Israel and the Church are commanded to come out of Babylon, the issue is, how are we to obey this command? Does coming out of Babylon mean to physically leave an organization or a country that we are presently in, or does coming out of Babylon mean just to depart from worldly values and practices of greed and idolatry? Are we to come out of her on a personal and individual basis, as and when each person is ready? While spiritually coming out of Babylon has to be on a personal individual basis, is that all there is to this command of the Lord? Should all believers come out or should only some come out?

Centuries ago, it used to be that serious Christians tried to come out of the worldly world, by retreating into seclusion. The churches built monasteries and nunneries and various man and woman of GOD carried the torches. Decades ago, others come out of the worldly world by going into full time Christian ministries or charities. But of course, lust can catch up with some even in monasteries and greed with others even while in full time service for the Lord. In modern day terms, what many Christians meant when they say that they left Babylon is that they left their jobs or positions in secular organizations, which they perceived or interpreted to be Babylonion. And people do walked out of their 'so-called' Babylon individually, as and when each is spiritually and otherwise prepared to do so.

While coming out of Babylon is very much a personal, inward and spiritual journey, Babylon is spoken of in the Bible not just as personal worldliness, greed and idolatry. It is unequivocally the present physical economic system of trade and money (Rev 18). And I believe that Rev 18:4 which commands both Israel and the Christians to come out of her addresses us as ‘a people’. The Church is after all meant to be a ‘called out’ people.

GOD Himself, prophesized to Abraham that the Israelites shall come out of Egypt with great possessions, after 400 years of slavery in Gen 15:13-14. In fact, I believe that if we do not come out of Babylon, there will be no transference of wealth for us. If Israel did not walk out of Egypt, there would not have been any transference of wealth but they would have remained slaves in Egypt. Clearly, what has been provided for us in Biblical examples, is that the whole household of faith is to LEAVE! None shall be left behind, whether weak, young or old and all our possessions are to leave with us.

In Ex 10:8-12, we saw that Pharaoh asked, “You may go and worship the Lord your GOD but who exactly will go?” Moses said, ‘we will all go, young and old, including all our possessions’. Then Pharaoh swore by the Lord that the women and the children should not go but only the men may go. With that Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh’s presence and GOD commanded the next plague, the locusts. Then we see in Exodus 10:24-26 that, Pharaoh relented and tried to negotiate, and he said, ‘OK, even your women and children may go with you but your sheep, goats and cattle must stay here’. To that Moses replied, ‘all our possessions must go with us, not one animal will be left behind’.

But of course, the Pharaoh of this world will say, “No! No way.” This coming out of Babylon will be a collective spiritual warfare, with the Lord going on ahead of us as the Captain of Host. It will happen by the shear will of GOD and the power of His Word. GOD will deliver us with a mighty outstretched arm as when He delivered Israel from slavery in ancient Egypt but as a people, not just individually. Is it not biblical that the Lord will shephard His people corporately as 'a flock' out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into the Promised Land?

Other prophetic types of this biblical event also testify of this same fact, that the church (with Israel) must in obedience come out of Babylon as one family or as a people and in doing so, wealth transfer takes place in the midst or in the process of it.

In Gen 12:10 - Gen 13:2 we find the wealth transfer account of our father Abram. He went down to Egypt because there was a famine in the land. And his wife, Sarai, a type of the bride of Christ was taken captive by Pharaoh. But GOD protected her and later Pharaoh had to release her. But as a result of this event, Abram went out from Egypt with his family and all that he had very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold (Gen 13:1-2).

The patriarch Jacob, also experienced Wealth Transfer when he left Laban to go back to the land of his fathers, i.e. Cannon Land. In Gen 30:29 - 31:21, we saw how the Lord GOD brought him back. According to Jacob, GOD gave him a prophetic dream of Wealth Transfer. And we know that Laban cheated Jacob of his wages 10 times, which figuratively speaking means that Laban paid Jacob only a miserable one-tenth of what Jacob thought he is worth. Yet with the dream GOD gave him, Jacob left Laban exceedingly rich, and had large flocks, maidservants and menservants and camels and asses (Gen 30:43). It is to be carefully noted, that Jacob also left with his whole family, his 2 wives, 2 concubines and all his sons and all his possessions. It was a journey which in the natural and to the natural mind is filled with difficulties, dangers and fear. This is why we have what GOD said to the exiles of Israel in Is 43:2 when calling them to come back to their land, "When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you; and when you walk through fire, you will not be burnt, and the flame will not consume you". For the Jews coming back to their land, yes, it is a fearsome journey filled with many dangers, toils and snares but the Lord GOD will undertake it. Same for us who wants to enter our heavenly Promised Land, we have to journey forward and pass through this great perilous passage of time and history, as if we fear not death or destruction because we have already pass over from death to life (Jn 11:25-26).

And of course, we have the classic prophetic type of Wealth Transfer in the Book of Exodus. We saw how GOD delivered the nation of Israel out of slavery in Egypt in 15 long chapters. Now, wealth was transferred as a result of the plagues or judgments that GOD inflicted on the gods of the land of Egypt and not because the Israelities had any power, they were slaves (Ex 11:1-3). In their hearts, many must be sorely afraid, hopeful as they might be.

05 August, 2006

Christian Economies / Sub-Economies (Chap 5)

One question that I do ask the Lord is, “How Lord, is the church to survive without trading when we shall be required to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast?” I am sincerely interested in the matter and intermittently in my twenty plus years of walk with the Lord I will ask the question again out of genuine interest and concern. There was usually no answer. But one day the answer did come, when I asked the Lord for a solution to the problem of not being able to trade as a result of the requirement to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast. The answer I believe I heard is none other surprisingly simple; “Connect Christian Businesses!” The rest of the other details presented hereafter are just built-ups on this simple idea of ‘Connecting Christian Businesses’.

Indeed, we have Christians in every walk of trade and every profession. And we are 2 billion out of 6 billion people in the world and we know that an end time harvest is yet to come in. Anyway, Christianity is one of the world’s major religions even if not it is not the biggest. And most of us are in the more developed countries. There is really no reason that we should suffer lack or deprivation of any kinds of goods and services, if we can organize ourselves to serve one another, at least within our communities and cities, if not across states, nations and continents.

Even though the Bible says in Rev 13:16-18, that everyone will be forced to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast, yet the Bible did not say that everyone should succumb. In fact, Rev 14:9-11 tells believers that we must not submit, we must not receive the Mark of the Beast! And since we are prepared to defy the enemy’s coercion, then why must we not TRADE? Why do we defy only half-the-way by not receiving the Mark but then we will also NOT Trade! And so the answer and the solution to not receiving the ‘666’ Mark of the Beast is really to TRADE! Organize ourselves and Trade and we will not receive the Mark. But, if we will not Trade then, some of us, especially the weaker ones may fall into the coercion and receive the ‘666’ Mark.

Christian communities in cities, states and nations must arise and form alternative Christian economies that will not receive this 666 Mark when eventually forced to do so but come out of the world economic and monetary system. And so Christian businessmen must either convert their suppliers, distributors and employees or engage and help other Christians to get into their various industries. The networking and connecting of Christian communities and Christian businesses with each other will cause the first wave of wealth generation or transfer, if you like.
Christian economies by localities (whether in terms of nations, states or cities) will at first be sub-economies within the world economic system. However, these have to be prepared to walk out of the world economic and monetary system when the time comes for them to do so. We will eventually have to come out of Babylon, when we are forced to be part of their banking system which will bear the ‘666’ prefix known as the ‘mark’ of the Beast.

And while we remain sub-economies straddling between both economies i.e. the world and Christian economic systems, the second wave of wealth generation or transfer will occur as Christian businesses prove themselves competitive through the favour and the wisdom of GOD against the falling and failing world economic system. In fact, Christian business communities must begin to come together to create our own banking systems. Christian economies must develop their own payment and banking systems within and between the Christian economies. And Christian payment / banking systems will help to link or connect other Christian businesses with each other.

The third wave of the end-time wealth transfer should happen by the time that the Christian businesses, must eventually come out of the world economic system. The process of coming out will literally pull out wealth from the secular economy to transfer them into Christian Economies. By which time, the Christian communities must have our own judiciary systems in their respective communities especially for commercial disputes.

When the Christian economies come out of the world system, the two economic systems of worship will be in direct competition with each other. Should the Christian economies and systems prove competitive superior, there should be a fourth wave of wealth transfer to GOD’s kingdom on earth.

There can be a massive transfer of wealth from the world economic system into the Christian economic systems, in the processes of 1) the creation of Christian sub-economies, 2) in the process in which we compete as sub-economies while under the world economic system, 3) in the process by which we come out of the world economic and banking system (when it becomes imperative to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast) and 4) while in direct competition as separate competing economic systems.

Begin To Buy From Christian Shops and Businesses. Eventually Christians will have to learn to buy only from Christian businesses because we will not be able to pay any other non-Christian shop owners or suppliers for goods or services because we are not part of the world’s banking and payment systems. It is good that we start identifying and be identified as Christian shops and businesses that will eventually not be part of the secular payment system. In the last days, GOD may call many Christians out of regular employment to start businesses. Disciple making can be carried out in the market place if you truly provide spiritual leadership to your staffs.

Christian businesses must also start employing Christian workers because you will eventually not be able to pay non-Christian employees unless they agree to be paid through the Christian payment system. So start recruiting and training believers. In the same way, Christian employees must seek to work for Christian companies and organizations because the non-Christian employers will eventually not be able to pay you when you refuse to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast. There will eventually be no viable employment for you in the secular world. Even if you had already been established in a large secular organization, it is time that you should start to think about making a move, so that you can begin to connect and establish yourself in a Christian organization earlier rather than later.

04 August, 2006

Plan And Execute The Exodus By Industries (Chap 6)

Christian businesses must plan to move into every kind of industry that we know of. We need whole industries with both up-stream primary resource suppliers and processors and down-stream distributors. Christian businesses can no longer depend on up-stream suppliers who are not part of the Christian payment / banking system, as we will eventually not be able to pay them for whatever we need them to supply. Similarly we need distributors who are Christian businesses that will pay us in the currency that we can receive and use.

Great industrial leaders are called for here. The process of creating whole new industries offers whole new opportunities to re-define the borders of industries. Identification of which businesses comes under which industry are important opportunities, in the creation of competitive advantages and wealth.

If your suppliers are not already Christian businesses, get your Christian friends into the business. And if your distributors are not already Christian businesses, help your church mates to get into this business. Your business connections with non-Christian suppliers and distributors will have to be cut off eventually and so get yourself ready if you want to continue in business but do not want to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast.

The exodus from the world economic system must be planned and executed by industries. The details of how this is to be done is specific to each industry and are best left to the industrial experts themselves. Carefully planned and executed, the processes by which each industry transforms itself through the wisdom and instructions of GOD, will be avenues to achieve transfer of wealth to GOD’s Kingdom in its time and history. If indeed, the borders between industries can be correctly re-defined re-engineered by Christian businesses, we will literally see industries wrangled out from world economies, and be translated into Christian Economies.

Christian Economies must have whole industries of almost every kind, both up-stream and down-stream companies. Acquire or build your own or connect with other Christian supplier chains and Christian distribution channels.

Start With The Consumer / Retail Markets - Here we are talking about the production, processing, packaging and distribution of consumer items because this is where the basic markets of the Christian communities are. As this major sector gets established we will then move on to establish industrial Christian businesses where the markets are other Christian industrial businesses, i.e. business-to-business markets. Christian businesses and churches ought to start networking and get connected for economic survival and preservation of the respective communities in the last days.

Acquire Land And Other Primary Inputs / Factors of Production - We must acquire land and other resources of primary inputs and all kinds of factors of productions must also be acquired. Raw materials of every kind will be needed, be it rubber, oil, chemicals, iron ores, steel, medicine. Make use of the indigenous resources of your land or country, be it oil or spices or technology.

Facilities must be acquired, be it hospitals, office spaces, schools, factories (production lines). Think, what are the basic economic structures that we need to put in place for Cities and States of Christian communities that will not be part of the world economic / banking systems?

03 August, 2006

Competitive Advantages Of Christian Economies / Sub-Economies (Chap 7)

The Christian economies will at first be sub-economies within the mainstream world economic system, while they are in preparation, for a number of years. May the Lord grant us time and grace so that Christian economies will take shape quickly enough before we need to cut it off from the mainstream economic system because none of any true Christians would be willing to receive the ‘666’ mark of the Beast whatever they may need to go through.

Even during this time when the Christian economies are sub-economies, great transfer of wealth can take place. And the one most important reason why Christian businesses should pull ahead of competition would be that the Lord is transferring wealth to His sons for the sake of establishing preaching the gospel of Jesus to every tongue and tribe. However, may the Lord’s favour upon us not be in vain! If we are true believers operating under the direction and the power of the Holy Spirit there are definitely many good reasons why we should have competitive advantages and do better than as Christian businesses. Some of these are listed below.

1 Christian businesses must treat their employees with more sincerity and have more interest in their potentials as human beings. Human Resource should not be measured and used like other factors of production. The benefits from doing so can be immeasurable.

2 There should be more equitable distribution of rewards and a greater sense of ownership and participation among employees.

3 It is believed that Christians are better workers in every walk and profession if treated fairly. They should be truth seekers and by the anointing of GOD they should be the most insightful, creative and skillful in whatever professions the Lord GOD put them in.

4 Better decisions can be made at work as a worshipful environment filled with the presence of GOD, encourages staffs to be in the spirit rather in the flesh while at work.

5 Christian businesses should provide their customers with the best services and products and so glorify our Father in Heaven.

6 Christian business should strive to be cost effective and pass on this benefits to their business partners so that the whole economy or sub-economy is strategically more competitive than non-Christian sectors and can win over their market shares.

7 A line-up of whole industries with Christian businesses should be a source of strength and flexibility in co-operation if there is brotherly love and genuine friendship in the Lord.

8 We have GOD as our source of wisdom and strategies for moving our businesses ahead. We should include GOD as our senior business partner and consult Him for business strategies and ideas and ask Him for favours and for supernatural increase.

When various Christian economies shall eventually come out of the world economic system, the later should suffer a collapse in moral restrain, chaos and confusion, if indeed Christians had been salt and light in their organizations.

Christian businesses are starkly warned against trying to take advantage of captive Christian markets. If they exploit by being uncompetitive in delivery, quality or pricing they are likely to impede the process of creating Christian sub-economies. Christian communities should be careful to spot and punish exploitations. Christian shops and businesses should not expect to be patronized in spite of shoddy services and products.

02 August, 2006

GOD's Wisdom In Social Softwares & 11th Hour Workers (Chap 8)

As we consider that Babylon is to fall in one hour, we realized that many of the legal, accounting and other business and professional practices and principles that supported the Babylonian system may contain flaws. In coming out of the Babylonian system, Christian architects, lawyers, accountants, engineers, business consultancy, training and other professionals, can do so by putting in new insights into their professions to improve or correct existing wrong theories and practices. In doing so, they will help create and amassed great wealth in the process.

Be good in your professions, stand on principles and ask the Lord for insights into compromises in current practices and such. If you dare to be the Lord’s man and be different, you are in a position for the Lord to bless you big time. Put the wisdom and mind of GOD in the practice of your professions. Many important changes can be decisively made and marketed.

Many other innovative good practices and principles can be packaged and taught. The providing of courses will be an all-time big avenue of revenue for professional and knowledge based firms and industries. In fact, tertiary and business education will represent a market in which Christian business should be able to capture with superior wisdom from GOD. We should be able to implement curriculums for all kinds of technical or social subjects, different from those offered by secular companies.

It is believed that the 11th hour workers in Jesus vineyard will be blessed with extra-ordinary wisdom and abilities, as GOD seeks to transfer wealth to you. According to Matt 20:1-16, these last hour workers will not have worked as long and as hard but their rewards for the last hour work is the same as those who had toiled for a full day. This has to be the sure favour of GOD and His wisdom, enabling them to gain extra-ordinary wealth.

01 August, 2006

Christian Payment Systems (Chap 9)

Governance And Operation Of Christian Payment & Banking Systems - What is the Christian payment and banking system about? And what are the safeguards we need to put in place so that it will not replicate the world’s banking system? How should the Christian payment & banking system be governed and operated?

Firstly, the main purpose of the Christian payment and banking system is not so much to lend money but to operate a trustworthy payment system (for money transfer) for the Christian businesses worldwide. However, in doing so it will become a kind of banking system. There is still a need for a trustworthy institution to hold and store the value of money and possessions and maintain their liquidity and the tradability of currencies.

There is no need for Christian banks to create false money by lending money that the banks do not have, since after all it is not its primary function or business to lend. Borrowing and getting into debts will not be encouraged and much less consumerism. Even if the Christian banks should be called upon to provide some kind of financing, Christian banks will only lend money that they have and at no interest, if to Christians.

It is necessary to ensure that Christian principles are practiced. According to biblical principles, interests should not be charged for loans to believers, although interest may be charged for loans to unbelievers. While interests are not charged, certain profit sharing of returns would be fair and can be arranged for Christian businesses that seek financing. Technologies in project financing and venture capitals have much room for further exploration and innovations.

Due to the vulnerability of the poor, various governments had always found it necessary to regulate money lending and the charging of excessive interest. We should at all times be mindful of the vulnerability and the plight of the poor and help and not exploit them, however financial responsibility and discipline is necessary. Churches can help but the banks should not be involuntarily depleted by the financial dependence and irresponsibility of sectors of the population.

The Christian business communities may appoint management teams to the payment and banking systems to run and oversee their operations, as we trust that they have (or can build) the necessary expertise to do so. However, local church communities should institute audits and checks for the protection of the wealth of the congregations. Local churches in the various Christian communities will appoint independent parties with the necessary business and professional expertise for these purposes. Church leaders must have an important say if the bank has unbiblical practices in place and makes no attempts or plans to change.

It must however be kept in mind that the Christian payment and banking systems will eventually be cut off from the world banking system. When this happens, it would be necessary for Christian payment & banking systems to eventually cut off all business dealings with unbelievers. As a result, loans made to non-Christian businesses and individuals run the risk of not being repayable. Such businesses should therefore be minimized and be cut off in good time to pre-empt transition.

Preparations should be made earlier rather than later. As banks are important vehicles for the purpose of connecting other businesses, Christian banks must be the first industry to detach itself from non-Christian businesses, to help other businesses to do the same. The ownership and management of Christian businesses should also be safeguarded to help ensure the end time economic survival of communities. A register of ownership of Christian companies must be maintained so that Christian payment and banking systems know who they are dealing with.

The stocks of money of the Christian communities (actual physical resources, facilities owned at the point in time of walking out of the world economic system) will grow but growth has to be through the generation of goods and services rather than through baseless money creation by the churning of numbers. Special care and control have to be exercised over the issue of the mere creation of money through the Christian banking system out of nothing, i.e. by just increasing the numbers or digits representing ownership. We should be very careful to study the impact of this and if adverse, to prevent it from ever happening.

It can be expected that the Christian banking systems (at various localities) will eventually become illegal when they refuse the ‘666’ mark, however, before that critical moment comes, Christian banking practices should entirely be legal and acceptable.