09 August, 2006


What is End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES? I believe that End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES is breakthrough news for Christian communities everywhere and provides answers to the questions of 1) 'How do we trade without the '666' Mark of the Beast' and 2) When & How is the prophecised Transference of Wealth going to happen'. This website contains part my book on the subject, in the hope of breaking this news to more Christians in the market place. Yes, the market place will be the greatest end-time harvest field ever but HOW?

End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES will in fact be the vehicles for end-time wealth transference aside from individual business ideas and strategies. In view of the prophecized end time trails and coming persecutions in the last days, broad social economic frameworks will be suggested for the end time church that are effectively Christian Economies or Christian communities clinging on together for end time economic survival.

Offered for consideration is the all-important proposition that 'Walking out of Babylon' is a command that need to be obeyed on a collective scale, by both Israel and the church together. We know that GOD's judgment will come upon the so-called Babylonion system and Babylon will crash or fall (Rev 18). As depicted in Israel's biblical exodus from Egypt, GOD needs to judge the gods of the land and break the system that held His people captive, in order to deliver them from it. And GOD's end time command to the church concerning the Babylonion system is as found in Rev 18:4 - "Come out of her, my people that you may not partake of her sins and her plagues". And I believe that Rev 18:4 address the church corporately as one people rather than individually. As it is right now, christians do not know how to 'walk out of Babylon'. What we see now at times are individuals leaving secular jobs or countries which are perceived to be Babylonion as and when they are individually ready to do so.

The End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES will linked-up together (if possible globally) to form an ark like the Ark of Noah which GOD used to preserve the lives of His chosen family and all the different kinds of the animals during the 40-day flood which destroyed the whole earth and the rest of mankind which did not go into the Ark (Gen 6-7). GOD can save through supernatural means but He also uses natural means. Neither should be pre-cluded, as we know it, GOD uses both ways to deliver. The Ark of GOD is a refuge and an escape route for anyone who will not worship the Anti-Christ. And when it is up, Christian communities will then be able to tell pre-believers who are in their midst to come into the Ark of GOD's economies and kingdom and not to receive the '666' Mark of the Beast.

Trading is an age-old activity of mankind. It is not new and it is not good or evil, but GOD's principles apply. In Matt 25:14-30, Jesus told the parable of His going away and entrusting to His servants, goods, talents or resources according to their abilities. When He returns, the servants will have to give an account for what they do with resources that had been entrusted to them. What we have in Zech 14 is the account of Jesus returning to earth with His raptured saints and see that it ends with the last verse - that there will not be anymore traders in GOD's kingdom. And so we see that Christians will go on trading until the very last moment in Zech 14:21 when there shall be no more trading in the new heaven and earth. Wealth can be transferred at various stages while the End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES are being formed. And IF Babylon falls while the Kingdom of GOD, in the form of the End Time Christian Economies, is left standing, all the wealth of the world will be turned to us, to the glory of GOD. But that is provided that by the time that Babylon falls, we are out of it.

You may say that the 'line' is thin. How do we know whether we are in or out of it (Babylon) while we are still trading? However, I would like to say that the line is 'clear' with GOD even if it is thin with you. A broad boundary line will present its own difficulties besides GOD does not need a thick boundary line. He knows exactly who serves Him and who serves mammon (Matt 6:24). Physically, Goshen is an area within ancient Egypt. Things like boundaries, it belongs to God. God determines boundaries, not men and He made a distinction between the Isrealites and the Egyptians as a testimony for Himself (Ex 8:22-24; Heb 4:12). Forming this new trading system based on GOD's societal laws that is not a compromise with the corruption of the present monetary and trading system, will then be the great exploits of the last day saints who know their GOD (Dan 11:32). Yes, Christian business leaders must spearhead economic and societal transformations, as God shows them 'how' in practical terms. From here, we begin our journey heavenward; and we will be caught up to meet with the Lord in mid-air. Sometimes it amazes me how Zech 14 talk about this transformation process almost as if 'seamlessly'. As we move heavenward as one people intended on one purpose, we will pull resources, deplete the kingdom of darkness, bring wreckages to wicked systems and pull heaven down us as we strain towards Him (Jesus), the prize of our upward call.

Christian Economies are also not new. Why would we have Christian nation states but not have Christian Economies? A few centuries ago, many European nations and may be USA were Christian nations eventhough they may not term themselves as such. Sadly, many of these are now secular states. But as prophecized, there will come a time when the knowledge of glory of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab 2:14). There is coming an end time harvest and nations are turning to the Lord, no matter how inconceivable this is to us now. Jesus Himself, spoke of the sheep and goat nations that will play deciding roles in His end time purposes in Matt 25:31-46.

Also globalization is not new. It is a broad basic trend that the world has been on for decades now, even centurries. At first, nations globalize and then companies and then increasing individuals tend to globalize in terms of mindsets and reach, as mankind grows in knowledge and capabilities. And I do not see globalization as being good or bad. It is a concept or a tool that can be used for good or evil purposes depending on the intents of those who apply it. All are beginning to see and realize the possibilities of the world as one connected whole. Although there are still barriers, the world should ultimately become one in many aspects, except for the great divide in values, intents and ideologies. In the not too distant future, beliefs and ideas will contest globally, for hearts and minds; and for money, power and fame. The Bible also prophcized about globalization in terms of a central monetary system and the whole world coming under the power of Anti-Christ for approximately 3-1/2 years (Rev 13). All the whole world will eventually be united under the rulership of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor 15:24-28; Eph 1:9-10). All things will be restored, for we know that the power, the kingdom and the glory belongs to our Father in Heaven.

Will God do this? Unless the Lord builds the house, we labour in vain who build it (Ps 127:1). The right thing to do is to seek and hear from GOD yourself, if this matter is important enough to you. What is given to one must be confirmed by the larger body of Christ. All of GOD's sheep can hear His voice. This is necessary whether I claim to have been to heaven or that an angel appeared to me. In fact, these are very early days and the idea is just hot out from the oven. There are a lot more revelations to pursue and dreams to realise together concerning End Time CHRISTIAN ECONOMIES. What I know that the Spirit of GOD says, is that, 'There are a lot more things to do for the kingdom of GOD in the marketplace'. The church must actively pursue GOD's kingdom and righteousness on earth and not just simply be a part of the whole world's economic system.