07 August, 2006

What Is This City Of BABYLON? (Chap 3)

The Bible has described the present world economic order or system as Babylon or the City of Babylon. It is a system of trade and idolatry that all the nations of the world participate in. Among the long list of her cargos in Rev 18:12-13, are slaves or human souls. Have your souls been depleted or impoverished as a result of your participation in the world economic system? Have you sold your soul in exchange for her goods? The modern world economic system is a system of idolatry, slavery and oppression through the values of capitalism and industrialization. Men operating within the system have been systematically dehumanized whether they are reducing others to digits of a factor of production or they are so reduced, through greed and false values.

Lawlessness is coming into the world (2Thes 2:1-12). It is already now at work. We who are alive in this century had seen meltdowns in financial markets as a result of big scale integrity crisis of operations as well as in financial reporting. The stock market used to be able to predict stock values based earnings ratios but this is no longer true. Reported earnings are not reliable nor can we see even a few number of years into the future in a world plagued by lawlessness. Eventually nothing can be reliably predicted due to dishonesty. As lawlessness increase, disorder and chaos can only increase.

GOD will judge the whole world for her sins of greed and idolatry. Judgment will come almost in an instant. Babylon will fall in an hour (Rev 18:10-24). Just as we had seen stock markets crash overnight, so the world’s trading system has been prophesized to go up in smoke in an hour. In fact, the weaknesses and the signs of Babylon’s impending fall are already visible everywhere.

Money is created through the credit system on the basis of banks lending $1 for every 6 cents in capital. The insufficiency of banks’ capitalization had become all the more glaring of late as large companies fail, stock markets meltdown and economies spiral downward. The fact is that banks all over the world are thinly capitalized in proportion to the business that they are doing. It can be foreseen that failing banks are likely to become beholden to central monetary systems to keep them in business and lose autonomy. Even whole banking systems can collapse when major banks fail and cannot be shoaled up anymore.

The world economic situation is opportunistic for the relative few rich and powerful to conspire to take control of a financially failed world. When Babylon falls or the world economic system fails, she will become the habitation of devils and foul spirits of every kind (Rev 18:2). The world economic system will eventually be under the control of evil spirits namely Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet, as prophesized in the book of Revelations.

There will eventually be only one world central banking system. The Bible prophesized that the inhabitants of the earth will be forced to receive the ‘666’ mark of the beast on their hands or foreheads, otherwise they will not be able to trade? Why would people not be able to trade if they do not receive the 666 number on their hands or foreheads. It may well be that the one world central banking system will bear the prefix of 666, and everyone may eventually have to wear his own bank account no. on his hand or foreheads with the 666 prefix for the purpose of transactions. Technology is well in place to connect the world banking systems and for chips bearing the 666 mark of the Beast to be implanted in parts of the body.