27 July, 2006

Tribunals of Love (Chap 14)

It has long been recorded for us in the Bible that brothers should not bring a case against brothers and that before the heathen for judgment. For why should the heathen judge us when we should one day, judge even angels? (1Cor 6:1-6) It is believed that in the end times, days will come when Christians can no longer go to secular courts for the settlement of disputes, especially commercial disputes as our payment and banking systems are different and may not be recognized. Nevertheless there must necessarily be a way for the equitable settlement of commercial disputes among Christians by a qualified and competent judiciary system, within each State / City-wide Church.

The Christian judiciary is deliberately named the Tribunal of Love, as the Law of Love is the law that binds us in Christ. It should be made compulsory for anyone in the Christian Economy to be subjected to the judiciary system within the State / City-wide Church. There will be a need for different State / City-wide Churches to be in liaison for judiciary as well as other commercial reasons.

It should be call to mind that restitution is thought as a Old Testament principle for reconciliation in Exodus 22:1-17 as well as in the New Testament example in the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-19. And while there is to be forgiveness and reconciliation it does not mean that the need for restitutions is done away with or forfeited. On the contrary, restitutions are all the more necessary because we rather forgiveness and reconciliation than separation. Principles of restitutions had been laid down for various situations and offences in ancient Israel. Having said so, human courts can only attempt what the judge or jury may deem equitable. Only Jesus is able to fully address all injustices when He finally comes back to rule. God alone is able to grant grace to the offender and yet so compensate the victim for the wrong suffered that the entire wrong no matter how grave can be very happily settled.

A series of disciplinary actions of different gravities for different offences need to be put in place. The purpose of the disciplinary action is to deter offences, to reform the offender as well as to provide just restitution for plaintiffs. The Tribunal should have strong facilities and processes in place for arbitration of disputes before cases necessarily appears before judges. As counseled in Matt 5:25, out of court settlements should be encouraged.

It is possible that an individual or a syndicate or network of spies within the church may try to betray the State / City-Wide Churches and/or destroy the Christian economies by sabotaging the Christian banking or payment computer system. Such attempts should be seriously dealt with whether successful or not. There may be limited situations where it is necessary for the body to expel false believers and throw them out of the body of Christ. Such would still be able to find refuge through believing friends and relatives within the Christian Economies unless they choose to move in the world economic system.

While this tribunal presides over commercial matters there is no reason why it should not also preside over other legal matters, e.g. family matters, etc. Christians may not be able to resort to secular judiciary systems even in non-commercial matters if settlements have go through the world banking systems. While the Tribunal Of Love is in place and administering justice competently, there should be no reason for Christians to bring even non-commercial disputes to secular courts, if all parties involved are Christians.

Nevertheless certain matters are best left to secular judiciary such as administering capital sentences for murders, etc. We should consider whether the Christian community would be interested to administer prison cells, given that the time until the coming of Christ is short. In coming out of Babylon, we have a chance to simplify and cut of all unnecessary procedures built up over the decades.

Human judgments are often imperfect. Ultimately judgment and vengeance belongs to the Lord (Heb 10:30). Forgive and reconcile. Heaven will not be short of justice, just as it will not be short of gold, even pure gold. GOD has countless ingenious ways to achieve justice in the new order to come. In fact, it is my personal belief that in the millennia rule of Christ all the wrongs done on earth down the centuries will be righted. Is 9:7 for of the increase of the righteousness and the peace of His Kingdom, there will be no end. In the meanwhile, judge nothing before its time (1Cor 4:5). Do not go to courts too readily. Christians must as a general rule leave justice to GOD. However, there are human courts which will be necessary as GOD also institutes social hierarchies and expects us to correct injustices.

It is a pity that due to the lack of justice on this plane, many people’s love has grown cold. Continue to love fervently because love is the premise upon which there is a requirement for justice. Without love the premise for justice is lost. And love forgives all things. All things can be forgiven, yet it does not mean at all that justice is forgone. In heaven, everyone will have the place and the things that each deserve. Those who think that they can do wrong and get away with it are in for a bad surprise.

And we may ask, “Are we not forgiven in Christ?” Yes, you all is forgiven but people will still be rightly related according to who they are in the eternal kingdom. It is because we are forgiven that we are still in relationship. There will be mercy but there will also be justice. Yes, Jesus has paid the price for mercy and therefore the Father has given all judgments to Him (Jn 5:22) And as GOD, Jesus is capable of being totally right in all His judgments. He is coming and His recompense is with Him. He will reward all according to their works or deeds (Rev 22:12).